Freezing sperm and eggs

Frozen sperm

Frozen sperm, that is, men will freeze their own sperm in medical institutions with corresponding qualifications to prevent future fertility risks from the consideration of future fertility plans . It is an assisted reproductive method. Some very severe oligospermia patients can freeze the precious sperm during the treatment process for intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment, so as to prevent the development of azoospermia in the future, so that Completely lost the ability to be a father.

egg freezing

Egg freezing refers to the mature oocytes (nominal eggs) obtained through puncture of the ovary through medical technology. With the help of professional cryopreservation technology, the mature oocytes are frozen and placed in an ultra-low temperature environment (liquid nitrogen, -196C) for long-term storage. Timely thawing frozen oocytes can be used in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer technology to solve fertility problems

The main purpose of egg freezing is to preserve female mature oocytes in vitro for a long time, and to provide the possibility of fertility for women with medical indications after thawing and resuscitating.